Locksmith in Isla Verde PR
It can happen anytime we leave the keys in our vehicle, in our house or simply lose them on the way to the beach, at a party, etc. These are the most common and totally normal situations, which is why we have educated ourselves in the area of vehicle, commercial or residential locks, so that we can offer a high quality service. We can be your trusted locksmith in Isla Verde, Puerto Rico, just contact us at 787-665-0980 and tell us what your urgency is.
Our opening hours
We can assist you any day of the week (Monday to Sunday) from 7:30 am to 11:30 pm.What can we do for you?
No matter what the lock is, we can do it for you, however, we specialize in smart locks and keys that are difficult to access for a person who does not have the necessary tools and knowledge. That is why, if you do not want to force or do greater damage, that is when it is prudent to call our locksmith in Isla Verde, let us quickly tell you about our services...Professional locksmith service
We can work on any type of problem with your lock in the residence, we can install a new lock and change the one that no longer works. Our specialized technicians in this type of locks can come and solve your emergency, whether you cannot access it or simply want to make a change in your home.For you we can open the lock without having to force or damage the door, we have experience in combination locks, steel gates and smart locks.
Car locksmith service
At Tu Cerrajero PR we are trained to open your car door without forcing it, we can also make a duplicate without you having the original, replace and program the computer in your vehicle so you can use the new key. We have certifications for European and domestic cars, but our specialization is in chip keys and smart keys that need to be programmed.

Commercial locksmith service
The commercial locksmith is highly requested, since commercial establishments are not left behind with failures in their locks or with loss of keys, we can make a duplicate of your key, open the lock without causing damage or change it completely so that you can access with a new key and everything of high quality.You can contact us right now and we will be happy to go wherever you are, that's right, our service is at home for your comfort. So now you know, you should not panic and start forcing the key, we can do it for you professionally, just call us at 787-665-0980, contact us by WhatsApp or fill out the form that you can find on the screen.